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Using an End-of-Day Report for Your Repair Shop: 7 KPIs To Track

Written by Muhammad Saqib | Jul 30, 2024 1:00:00 PM

At the end of the day, your staff is ready to clock out and head home. They’re not thinking about the same things you are: What does today’s revenue look like? What did we sell? How many new repair services did we book? How did customers pay? What does my inventory look like? 

Implementing an end-of-day report will help you better understand daily business and prepare for tomorrow if you’re tracking the right key performance indicators (KPIs).

In this blog, we’ll highlight the essential KPIs to include in your end-of-day reports and how you can use that information to make better business decisions for your repair shop.

Understanding End-of-Day Reports

When repair shops close for the day, managers and owners need to see a summary of how the shop performed that day. An end-of-day report keeps your finger on the pulse of how your shop is performing and where improvements can be made. 

End-of-day reports can be modified to your needs, but components could include business shifts, a summary with profit indicators, revenue, sales by category, who worked what shifts and what the cash drawer should read, how customers paid, sales by employee, and more.

Related Read: Cell Phone Repair Store Profits: 5 Tips To Improve Your Bottom Line

All this information will empower you to make better business decisions and feel prepared for the days ahead.

Benefits of Using End-Of-Day Reports for Repair Shops

Using end-of-day reports to improve operations has many benefits. They give visibility into productivity, product performance, employee performance, marketing and promotional effectiveness, financial performance and labor costs, and inventory and repair tracking

On the personnel side, an end-of-day report will increase employee accountability and help you make informed business decisions. It’ll also help during employee reviews, allowing you to visually showcase employee performance. 

Ideas for How To Use EOD Reports

Your EOD report may include a lot of information. To make sure you aren’t overloaded, identify the key performance indicators (KPIs) you want to track and then analyze each report with these best practices in mind:

  • Identify trends and patterns
  • Compare KPIs over time
  • Set benchmarks and goals
  • Adjust strategies based on report insights

In the next section, we’ll discuss common KPIs to track in your end-of-day reports.

KPIs To Track in Your EOD Report

Measuring and improving performance is crucial for growing your business. By implementing and closely monitoring these KPIs, repair store owners and managers can gain valuable insights into their operations, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions. 

Use the KPIs listed below to keep a close eye on your performance and start transforming your cell phone repair store into a streamlined, customer-focused operation that stands out from the crowd. 

  • Revenue Metrics
    Revenue metrics are critical for cell phone repair stores as they directly measure financial performance, providing insights into sales trends, profitability, and overall business health. Some metrics to track include:
    • Revenue: How much did your business earn today?
    • Sales discounts: What discounts were offered and were they worth it?
    • Total tax collected
    • Sales returns: How many returns did you issue?

  • Workload Metrics
    Workload metrics track the efficiency of your cell phone repair store and give you a breakdown of how many tasks your technicians are completing.
    • Total jobs completed: How many tickets were completed?
    • Average repair time: How long did it take to repair devices (this can also be broken down per device)?
    • Jobs by technician: Which technician completed the job?

  • Customer Satisfaction Metrics
    The customer comes first! If they’re not satisfied, it will affect your bottom line. These measurements will help you continuously improve.
    • Customer ratings and reviews: Was your business reviewed by a customer today?
    • Repeat business rate: How many customers were repeats?
    • Customer complaints: What complaints did you receive? Were they remedied? If not, how can you remedy them?

  • Inventory Metrics
    Knowing what’s in your inventory on a daily basis will help you make better business decisions.
    • Inventory turnover rate: What items were sold off the shelf today?
    • Inventory accuracy: Does your inventory count match your point of sale?
    • Parts usage rate: Which parts are used the most? Do you have enough in stock?

  • Efficiency Metrics
    Similar to workload metrics, efficiency metrics measure the time it takes your employees to complete tasks and balances them against the prices you charge.
    • Labor cost per job: Are you charging fair rates for how long it takes your technicians to complete a job?
    • Technician productivity: Did the technician complete work in a timely manner?
    • Utilization rate: What percentage of an employee's available time was dedicated to productive, billable work?

  • Financial Metrics
    Find areas for improvement by analyzing daily financial metrics and comparing them over time.
    • Profit Margin: What percentage of your revenue remains after accounting for all expenses?
    • Gross Profit: How much money does your business retain after subtracting the direct costs of producing goods or services?
    • Cost of Goods Sold (COGS)

  • Cash Flow Metrics
    Use cash flow metrics to determine whether you’re spending more than you’re making.
    • Cash flow: A list of how cash was received or spent during the course of business operations.

Implementing an Effective End-of-Day Reporting System

If you’re ready to implement an EOD reporting system, start by creating a process that works for everyone involved in the data collection process. Here are a few suggestions.

  • Choose the right software or tools: An all-in-one point of sale (POS) system collects data 24/7, making it easy to generate reports.
  • Standardize reporting procedures: Create a template that can easily be replicated to save time and ensure all the info you need is captured.
  • Train staff on data collection and reporting: Building confidence makes the job easier. Provide training and encourage employee questions and suggestions.
  • Establish a regular reporting schedule: Consistency builds trust between employees and management.
  • Ask for feedback: Ask your staff and employees how the reporting process is going, if it’s useful, or what would make it better.

Collecting all this information yourself or asking your staff to do it can be a heavy lift. The right POS software lets you automate the entire process, saving you time, increasing productivity, and providing insight into inventory and ticket management.

Automate End-of-Day Reports With CellSmart POS

Improving business starts with knowing the numbers. It’s easier to set benchmarks and goals with EOD reports and the data they provide. You can spot trends, adjust sales strategies, and compare KPIs over time

EOD reports will also help you hold employees accountable and allow you to make business decisions based on data rather than gut feelings.

Upgrading your repair shop point of sale system to CellSmart POS will automate the entire process and take the burden off you and your staff. Let the software do the hard work so you can work on taking care of your customers. 

Schedule a demo today to see how CellSmart POS can help you make smarter decisions today.