Despite more than 400,000 deaths around the globe including over 80,000 deaths in the USA alone, most of the countries have decided to uplift the lockdown in phases. On April 27th, 2020, Donald Trump had unveiled a plan to re-open the U.S.A. The plan includes stepwise ease in lockdown if the states have a 14-day trajectory of decrease in Corona patients, and also the states which have a vigorous testing mechanism.
Germany has also decided to ease the lockdown and let people meet in public places. Churches, Museums and some schools are open now. Also, the German football league will start again from mid of May 2020.

Spain had enforced the strictest lockdown in Europe, and it’s also easing few conditions like for children to play outside for an hour and adults to do some walk and exercise outside the house. Italy has also decided to let people meet each other outside the house, shops, and hairdressers to reopen. France is also planning to open workspaces, shops, parks, and other priority areas including local transport by 11 May.
A debate has also started either these lockdowns should be eased or not. Including this famous image, which sparked a wide number of opposite reactions regarding the ease of lockdowns and movement.

It’s a matter of debate and some may agree or disagree with the idea of easing lockdown. But as the governments around the world have decided to carry the decision of softening the lockdown, the citizens must follow key guidelines and safety measures including:
- Wear masks
- Wash hands regularly
- Follow social distancing (staying at least six feet apart from each other outside the house)
- Use liquid hand sanitizers in public
- Avoid shaking hands or hugging
- Avoid unnecessary traveling from house to outside
- In case of any symptoms, should keep themselves in self-quarantine
The post lockdown can be a very tricky path and will require extreme care and restraint more than ever. Because till now there is no cure for the Coronavirus. So, until then, everyone has to be more vigilant and careful. Try to stay home and stay safe.