Tips to Maintain Business Hygiene and Stay Safe!
Corona! Corona! Corona….this word is all over the news, social media feeds and in everyone’s discussions these days. Yes, it’s a virus and it’s been spreading around the globe and has reached the Pandemic state. Pandemic, epidemic, endemic or whatever the disease outbreak state maybe, we all need to stay hygienic regardless of the season or situation at home and especially in our businesses since there are usually much more people in a business visiting and interacting than in a home.

Hand Sanitizer upon entry
Though every office or business keeps hand sanitizers or at least soaps in the restrooms, this is no longer enough. We need to make the hand sanitizers or alcohol hand rubs within reach of every employees. To be more proactive, hand sanitizers or alcohol hand rubs should be placed upon the entrance of your business so that as soon as a customer enters your store, their hands are disinfected. This way no matter what they touch in your store, be it phones, electronics, toys, groceries, fruits, veggies or anything else, should be protected from the spread of any germs.
Face Masks and Hand Gloves mandate based on outbreaks

We all are used to the flu season and seeing people coughing or sneezing here and there in a business or store or even public transportation, without covering their mouth, without a mask or even a piece of napkin. However, if corona virus has taught us anything, it is that we must always care for others, regardless of how much we care for our own selves. People these days have distanced themselves from fear of contracting the virus and getting sick. Everyone’s wearing masks and carrying hand sanitizers and even gloves.
Having said this, we should encourage or enforce wearing disposable gloves and masks to anyone that is sick or have any symptoms of sickness. Though at this current times the prices of these items have skyrocketed but in normal non-pandemic times, gloves and masks are extremely cheap and affordable. These should be bought and stocked and should be considered a safety investment in any foot trafficked business.
So, if you offer hand sanitizers or rubbing alcohol upon entrance, disposable gloves and masks for free, it’ll be nearly impossible for any virus to spread even if people are in a crowded area or business. Disposable gloves isn’t only for customers to handle things, they are also for employees to handle or repair products as well.
Food or Drinking areas
Designate specific areas for your employees to have lunch or snacks in your store or office. Eating at the desk is unhygienic and also distracting for your customers too.

Disinfect your store regularly
Cleaning is not just necessary in case of any virus or disease, it should be a daily routine for your business to follow. But during times of an outbreak, designate a routine to disinfect your entire store or office daily and keep a hygienic environment inside your business.
Allow Sick Leaves
Remember Coronavirus symptoms take 15 days; other flus or sicknesses have longer or shorter cycles of incubation. So, instead of being sorry, be cautious and grant your employees with any of the symptoms paid sick leave immediately. Also, educate your employees to see a doctor in case of any symptom.
Seasonal flus has been killing at a rate much more than that of corona virus, but people hardly ever wear masks and readily have been spreading flus to others for years without paying much attention. We hope that once corona virus crisis is under control, people will have learned their hard earned lesson of self-safety and safety of others in times of any sickness.
Corona or any other infections viruses can be prevented easily with the right amount of precautions and hygiene. Don’t worry, it will pass.